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Google Chrome

Google has now released the fourth edition of Chrome, their web browser, and it turns out it is a very good browser. It scores 100/100 points on the Acid3-test, a test that is designed to measure how well your web browser complies to the various standards for web pages, and show you if your web browser show you web pages the way they were meant to be shown. Google Chrome has a very minimalistic appearance, the web page covers almost the entire screen when you are surfing. The only other thing you see on screen is a small bar at the top of the screen, where you have your tabs with the address bar and the most necessary buttons.

Chrome has been designed from the start with a very fast JavaScript engine, and this helps you when using Google services like Gmail and Google Docs, but it also makes other web pages that rely on JavaScript much faster and more fluent.

The web browser is considered as quite safe, and automatically downloads blacklists of pages used for phishing and spreading malware, so that the user gets warned about these dangers before even entering the page. It also has a private surfing mode, called "Incognito Mode", where the browser doesn't leave any traces of your surfing, like cookies and a browsing history. This way nobody can trace you or see what pages you have been visiting.

Version 5.0.375.86
ProducerGoogle AlternativesOpera, Firefox, Internet Explorer
Relevant sites
Open sourceNo
Specal requirementsNone